NEWS :  

Fourth Quarter 2023 Bulletin.

1. Companion animals

Sterilizations : 

In January the members of the Council decided to solve the financial problem still borne by the founder by imposing a minimum amount, lower than the cost of sterilizations (equivalent to € 6.25 for a female cat and € 8.33 for a bitch). Unfortunately, one of the veterinarians decided to operate only on the exempted candidates such as shelters, certified indigents and pound. Which slows down sterilization.

So, we’re looking for a replacement veterinarian.

One of the expected sponsors attended and the funds are on their way between Scotland and the Philippines.

In Puerto Princesa the city veterinarians continue to castrate the males every Friday. We provide tranquilizers, local anesthetics and painkillers.

Cattery :

x A small female cat received by the founder from a little boy joined the white female cat. She was sterilized on March 28 at the age of 3.5 months. We called her Zoe.

Pound :

Twenty-two trappings for this quarter


2. Farm animals.

Slaughterhouse :

The «swimming pool» used to shave the pigs regularly breaks down, delaying deliveries to markets.

Carabaos :

Our letters to the new Minister of Agriculture on the importance of carabaos for agriculture have not yet been answered.



During her visits to the port where the carabaos are loaded, our representative positions and attaches the animals in a less uncomfortable way. However, the space is still insufficient and far from the sixty-five meters required by law. None of the food required is loaded for the trip and it is clear that the layout of the premises does not allow for access to water for the animals during the 40 hours duration of the journey.

This quarter a total of 642 carabaos were shipped without the presence of veterinarians which is required by law, to Manila for corned beef plants. Two carabaos ended their lives at the slaughterhouse of the city at the expense of farmers and especially agriculture.

Our carabaos :

This quarter was a massacre for our carabaos.

Atos, 11, died on February 29 despite our best efforts
Unexplainable death of Ekla, 1 year old on March 26
Shaolin died on 23 March 31 years


We had the pleasure of acquiring BRIGIT female 2 years,


Poultry :


We acquired 12 culled hens on February 11.
They discover the life of a hen in our henhouse.


Our goats :

We acquired 2 goats which joined the other two; the adopter was very happy to welcome them. c


1.The Science Agenda :
Our three guides, Marlon, Jaylor and Airon brought us very good news from the field: magnificent photos of binturongs captured by the camera traps, including those of a mother and a baby. In addition, the VHS antenna, which was dysfunctional during the last field, now works perfectly. The radiotracking study is now ready to be launched.

In the office, with the help of Réziel and Joshua, Éléa developed an ethogram to study the behavior of a binturong.

From an administrative point of view, we had a meeting with City ENRO to present our results from last year, and discuss the renewal of our agreement. Applications for scholarships were sent to finance field expeditions. Two OJT from the Palawan State University Science College, Liezel and Denmar, joined ABConservation to work on the science program.

2. PWRCC :
The transfer of 5 binturongs from the quarantine to the pen renovated by ABConservation has finally been realized! They are still adapting and therefore still invisible to the public. Dimitri and Élise have been helped by several volunteers in recent months: Sofia and Simon, then Jérémy. A project was completed: the renovation of an aviary for mynahs. Now the team is working on another aviary. In addition, the PWRCC has built new larger cages in quarantine. All the binturongs still in this area were transferred there.

The orchard/vegetable garden is maintained and extended. Since mid-March, 2 volunteers (Émilie and Aurélie) are full time on it. Finally, we were able to have an appointment with PENRO to discuss many points. Many of our projects have been validated, even if they will require more effort than expected.

3. Educational programs :

Sarah is still working on the environmental awareness education program. At the end of January, she submitted a dossier to the Department of Education of Puerto Princesa. Sarah then worked on the lesson plan and business development. She finished at the end of March and Jules, a new intern, replaces her. World Binturong Day becomes World Binturong Month. This year, the team will increase awareness events between May 4 and June 4. The activities will be varied: educational escape games, painting and video contest, puppet show, card games, photo exhibition etc. In another notable event, Ameline attended a citizen science event in February. We were present during the crocodile week in March at the PWRCC. On March 6, Ameline and Réziel also participated in a conference on biodiversity at PSU, as did our partners at the Katala Foundation. In summary, our teams work hard to carry out the various projects of the association. We are pleased to see that all our programs are developing. And we can’t wait to send you the next newsletter to tell you how «World Binturong Month» went!


Sterilizations  1st Quarter 2024 Since June 1999
- dogs  103 females   8 males  11.118 females  2.124 males 
- cats  141 females   8 males 16.977 females  1.252 males 

Forty-four minor treatments were prescribed by our veterinarian for companion animals and for our carabaos were completed.

Cattery : Little Zoe and her friend Miret are a good match. Zoe has been sterilized on March 28. They don’t want to go outside. We have no new retirements this quarter

Tattoo : 105 dogs - TOTAL : 15.019

Abandonment :
2 adorable bitches were abandoned without a look or a last caress from the masters.

Rabies vaccines : 77

Recovered from the pound : 22


Ø Since the creation of the foundation in March 2000, we have sterilized 18.095  bitches and pussies combined and 3.376 males and tattooed and registered 15.019 dogs principally in Palawan
Ø We have obtained national and local welfare laws to regulate the transport and slaughter of carabaos
Ø We got a provincial resolution to improve documents for large farm animals especially carabaos
Ø Carabaos are no longer injured during road transport and are loaded and unloaded competently
Ø We bought  106 carabaos
Ø Without being an idyllic place, all our requests for the improvement of animal welfare during acceptance (additional water sources, various repairs, anti-slip ramps, repair of vehicle floors) are granted as soon as possible.


Ø Obtaining a National Moratorium Prohibiting the Slaughter of Carabaos
Ø Enforcement of welfare law for all animals across the country

Prepared by : Jackie Baut,