NEWS :  

Fourth Quarter 2024 Bulletin.

1. Pets

The anesthetic required for sterilization is still missing. By consulting several suppliers, we obtained 40 vials at an exorbitant price. El Nido and Coron are planning an operation in February and March and count on us to find the valuable product.

Sterilizations : 

On November 21, we went to San Vicente at the invitation and generosity of Ms. Susannah Watt. Unfortunately, due to overbooking of the local barangay our score was not satisfactory.



Cattery :

We have transferred 6 cats to the sanctuary of Macarascas.

Impoundment :

Fifty-three catches for this quarter. All dogs were vaccinated against rabies and the females were sterilized as part of the “Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return” program Recommended by the majority of national and international organizations to avoid overcrowding of pounds and unnecessary extermination of animals.

Our find: The little dog found on July 16 was adopted on November 19 after recovering her health and missing kilos. We named her Mitsy.

16 july 2024 3.3 kg

18 november 2024 5.8 kg

We welcomed on October 5 Yugi, male Malinois 4 years. He has a huge back injury. It will take three months to fully heal.

7 october 2024
2 january 2025


2. Farm animals.

Slaughterhouse :


The 23rd and 30th December were finally organized without overcrowding of the corrals. Many animals were slaughtered in the week before the fateful day. Cattle were tied outside the building ante mortem and pigs occupied all available space including aisles.

However, we still hope for an improvement in the landing ramp, drinking troughs for pigs, showering in the stunning ramp and use of the animal feeder for cattle.


Carabaos :

Senator Grace Poe’s proposed Animal Welfare Act has not yet been passed. We fear that it will not pass before the elections, which would result in a delay or even an annulment.

M/V Santa Monica




It is with great sadness that we learned of the sinking on October 22 of a boat loaded with 113 carabaos.

The crew is also reported missing.










Crowding of animals on an area of less than one square meter by carabao
without food for a trip of 40 hours including loading !




Hung by the nose FOR 2 DAYS

This quarter more than 820 carabaos were shipped with out of the presence of veterinarians required by law, to Manila for corned beef factories.
Two carabaos ended their lives in the city slaughterhouse to the detriment of farmers and especially agriculture.


Our carabaos :

Obama, 15 years old, left us without any apparent reason. Very well cared for by his adoptive person we have not found the reason for this death.

Our project "1,000 carabaos for the farmers of Palawan" is starting very slowly. We are looking for some wealthy sponsors to raise the 600,000 euros needed. All gifts will be received with gratitude. Attached are details of this project, which is also important for agriculture. Details of this project are attached to this letter.



On October 4 we had the pleasure of acquiring Galaxy female 8 years. She was at the slaughterhouse with a document that did not match her age.

Knowing that with or without papers it would be sold in the province where no one inspects the paperwork to be shipped to Manila to make corned beef, we accepted the price asked by the seller.

The butcher gave it to us at a price that was almost acceptable.


Our chicken farm :

Faced with the chicken theft by neighbors, eggs and destruction of fences by dogs we asked for help from a friend who adopted our four goats to host our chickens. Although we miss their presence, we are relieved to be free of the stress of seeing them disappear.

Our goats :

All is well for our carefully tended goats not their adopters.


In terms of our science program, we detected many binturongs during the month of August at our main study site. In November, we also relocated photo traps to a study site in Langogan. We hired three new forest guides and conducted a binturong behaviour training for the guides, so they are ready for wild binturong behavioural observations.

With respect to the PWRCC, we have completed the macaque enclosure, which will soon welcome between ten and fourteen macaques. We are now working on the redevelopment of the binturong pen. We are also continuing our project of food diversification, offering macaques morios from our farm. We also restored the vegetable garden, which will be used for the rations of the animals in the centre.

In parallel, since November 12, our educational program of environmental awareness has started at the primary school in Irawan, where we go every week.

Finally, in November, we went to the French Volunteer Day, organized by France Volontaires in Manila, to present our organization. We also participated in the Subaraw Festival in Sabang by organizing a booth and outreach activities. Finally, we held a conference at Palawan State University to present our missions, threats to biodiversity and possible actions.

The Wildlife branch of PAWFI is becoming independent, and became a Philippine foundation on 21st November 2024, under the name ABConservation Foundation Incorporated. Transition will take place in 2025.



Sterilizations  4th Quarter 2024 Since June 1999
- dogs   67 females  10 males  11.567 females  2.196 males 
- cats  107 females  13 males 17.540 females  1.314 males 

Sixty-two minor veterinary treatments for pets and our carabaos have been completed.

Tattoo : 70 dogs - TOTAL : 15.511

Adoption :
seven dogs and six cats

Rabies vaccines : 40 dogs and a cat

Collected from the Pound : 23


Ø Since the foundation was established in March 2000, we have sterilized 19,107 female cats and kittens and 3,510 male and tattooed dogs and registered 15,511 dogs mainly in Palawan
Ø We have obtained national and local welfare laws to regulate the transport and slaughter of carabaos
Ø We obtained a provincial resolution to improve documents for large farm animals especially carabaos
Ø The carabaos are no longer injured during road transport and are loaded and unloaded competently
Ø We bought  109 carabaos
Ø Without being an idyllic place, all our requests for the improvement of animal welfare during acceptance (additional water sources, various repairs, anti-slip ramps, repair of vehicle floors) are granted as soon as possible.


Ø Obtaining a National Moratorium Prohibiting the Slaughter of Carabaos
Ø Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act for all animals across the country

Prepared by : Jackie Baut,


We see, week after week, a massive export of carabaos to the slaughterhouses in Manila to make corned beef.

It should be known that the carabao (Bubalus bubalis) is a very useful animal for agriculture and especially for rice cultivation since the dawn of time in Asia.

Despite all our legitimate interventions since 2001 to enforce the existing laws for the protection of this animal declared «National» in the Philippines, slaughtering continues and intensifies.

We created in 2001 a small-scale dispersion program for a small budget and now our goal is to collect 35,000,000 pesos (600,000.00 euros) for the purchase of 1,000 carabaos.

We will proceed as follows:

  1. Raise a minimum startup capital of one million (1,000,000.00) pesos (17,000 euros) to start the project;

  1. Widely disseminate the information: "Farmers! do not sell your carabaos for slaughter! We buy them and you keep them. (We buy the naked property of the carabao and the farmer keeps the entire production (rice, vegetables fruits etc.).

  1. The farmer will sign a contract to adopt the carabao

  1. For pregnant females, the farmer will have an allowance of 1,500 pesos (25 euros) per month 2 months before birth and 4 months after to ensure a maternity and breastfeeding rest. The animal will not be used during this period. The farmer will also have the prerogative to adopt the calf if he needs it, otherwise the calf will be given at the age of 2 years to another indigent farmer.

  1. Register the carabaos presented by local treasurers whose role has been since 1975 by presidential decree 533.

  1. Purchase, tag and transfer title to the animal in the name of “Palawan Animal Welfare Foundation, Inc.).

  1. Appoint a farmer responsible for the general supervision of the activity in a radius of 25 kilometers (good treatments, supervision of births and natural deaths...)

Benefit for the farmer:

The farmer receives a right price for his animal anD keep the animal and the entire production of his work

Benefit for PAWFI

The satisfaction to rescue a useful animal from the useless meat market

Benefits for the planet:

The carabao will not be replaced by polluting tractors, which are expensive to buy as spare parts;

The soils will not be affected or polluted by the mischief of repeated passage of often poorly maintained industrial machinery;

The following is a brief description of the project.


  • In Belgium we will be grateful to receive your contributions on the account of Treasurer Jacqueline Baut BE55 0000 0915 1544

  • OR account 550/1/002394/35 are available at the Sterling Bank of Asia on behalf of Palawan Animal Welfare Foundation, Inc

  • OR Gcash 0928 503 4395



Jacqueline Baut


Founder of Palawan Animal Welfare Foundation, Inc.