NEWS :  

Second Quarter 2024 Bulletin.

1. Companion animals

This quarter we have been in “renovation” mode. With financial help from a new friend met at a public hearing in the Senate, we have finally been able to repair the roof and water damage in the operating room, renew the dog kennels and paint the pens.

These works, continually delayed because of the costs of sterilizations, had been carried over for more than two years

Sterilizations : 

At the beginning of June, 5 veterinarians and 3 assistants from the Biyaya Animal Care group, led by the same friend, operated with amazing professionalism on 1,699 male and female cats and dogs in a week in cooperation with the City Veterinarians !

Moreover, this same person decided to financially support our sterilizations. So that’s one of our big problems solved.

Cattery :

The “Abandoned Kittens” season has resumed. Eight kittens and one adult occupy the cattery.


Dog pound :

Thirty-nine dogs trapped during the quarter. All dogs were vaccinated against rabies and the females were sterilized as part of the Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return” program.Twenty-two trappings for this quarter


2. Farm animals.

On 28 June, a meeting of groups interested in the plight of farm animals was held in Manila at the initiative of the Animal Kingdom Foundation, Inc.

Unfortunately, the founder was not invited to speak about the carabaos, which are so important for agriculture.

During this meeting, the fate of the hens was mainly discussed.



Slaughterhouse :

The old slaughterhouse was really unproductive because of faulty equipment. It was therefore decided by the competent authorities to transfer immediately to the new slaughterhouse. It was not without difficulties: no water, no pipes, doors difficult to close, no landing ramp, no drinking trough, animals placed in the wrong corral with time lost in the transfer. All is now back in order after a short period of adaptation and much goodwill. The main problem remaining is the cattle stunner which doesn’t work and is in the wrong position.

Carabaos :

Our letters to the new Minister of Agriculture on the importance of carabaos for agriculture have not yet been answered.


Great news: Senator Grace Poe passed a bill that will replace the lapsed animal welfare law. We have submitted our suggestions, hoping that they will be retained especially for farm animals.

This quarter a total of 949 carabaos were shipped to Manila for corned beef, but without the presence of veterinarians as required by law .

A carabao has ended his life in the slaughterhouse of the city to the detriment of farmers and especially agriculture



Our carabaos :

Guiseppe 21 and Easter 14 years old have left us too early: Shatki 32 years has died smoothly after a long life of hard work in the service of agriculture

Guiseppe 21 years
Shatki 32 years


We had the pleasure of acquiring 6-year-old Pinky, female, on June 3. She is small in size but will be very useful for pulling burdens from the road to the Nativity shelter for dogs and cats in Macarascas.



Our chicken farm :

The new culled hens are not yet laying but will do so soon. In any case, the aim is to remove them from the meat market egg or non-egg.


Our goats :

One of our goats has a bruised leg. A single treatment was not effective.



The photographic traps give us very good results. Indeed, the mother and her young observed a first time, were photographed for a second time on the same tree. The little one seems to be in very good health, it is a great news to be able to observe him again. Then, three more binturongs were observed on two different trees. Analysis of the photo trap data is coming up soon. We recently retrieved photos from the period of May to June, so we will start analyzing them.


We have hosted several trainees in the field and at the office. The two students from Palawan State University, Liezel and Denmar, completed their on-the-job training at our company in mid-April. At the end of May, Lina, a French student, arrived for a three-month internship. At the beginning of June, she was joined by Oriane, a French student who is staying with us for two months. In the office, projects are moving forward. Results and reports shared with the various partners. We are renewing our research permit.

World Binturong Day/ Binturong Month

The 10th World Binturong Day took place in May. In the Philippines, Elise organized different events between the 4th and the 31st of the month, thus transforming May into Binturong Month.


We held the following events: 2 days in a shopping center, 2 days at the PWRCC (Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center), 2 days in 2 different universities, 2 days in 2 different indigenous communities (one at our current study site and one at Langogan). A puppet show was created by the team and was presented on several days. From the script, to the set, to the soundtrack, everything was done by our members. The CENRO helped us in writing the script, giving us advice and suggestions. Most importantly, we were fortunate to meet and be assisted by a professional puppeteer, Ernie Sarangaya.

Finally, for the first time in the Philippines, we were able to set up our educational escape game, during 3 separate events. It has been very successful, particularly with the academic public.

PWRCC Renovation and Assistance Program

Twenty mynahs were moved to their new enclosure, and a second enclosure was renovated to accommodate more. Dimitri is now renovating a pen for long-tailed macaques. This renovation is possible thanks to a donation of 4,000 euros from Ecozonia. Between April and May, two volunteer students in agronomy, Émilie and Aurélie, joined us to give a boost to the extension of the orchard/ vegetable garden.
Thanks to them, the Puerto Princesa Department of Agriculture donated 60 fruit tree plants that should be planted very soon (we were waiting for the return of the rainy season for this). On June 10, it’s Manuel’s turn (trainee for a month) to join us. Insect breeding was created as planned and is growing gradually.


Darlyn, our new Assistant General, took up her position in mid-April. It is a great asset for the association and for Ameline. Jules took over from Sarah on the development of an educational program to be set up in a first primary school and completed her internship at the end of May. Darlyn will be the one who will implement it for school children, we hope, as of next spring. Our project has been filed with the Department of Education, we are waiting for news.




Sterilizations  2ndt Quarter 2024 Since June 1999
- dogs  234 females  26 males  11.352 females  2.150 males 
- cats  348 females  30 males 17.375 females  1.282 males 

One hundred and six minor treatments prescribed by veterinarian for pets and our carabaos have been completed.

Cattery : Mirette the white cat, returned to the people who had entrusted her to us. We have no new abandonment this quarter

Tattoo : 138 dogs - TOTAL : 15.257

Adoption :
no drop-outs this quarter

Rabies vaccines : 88

Collected from the Pound : 39


Ø Since the creation of the foundation in March 2000, we have sterilized 18.727  bitches and pussies combined and 3.432 males and tattooed and registered 152579 dogs principally in Palawan
Ø We have obtained national and local welfare laws to regulate the transport and slaughter of carabaos
Ø We obtained a provincial resolution to improve documents for large farm animals especially carabaos
Ø The carabaos are no longer injured during road transport and are loaded and unloaded competently
Ø We bought  107 carabaos
Ø Without being an idyllic place, all our requests for the improvement of animal welfare during acceptance (additional water sources, various repairs, anti-slip ramps, repair of vehicle floors) are granted as soon as possible.


Ø Obtaining a National Moratorium Prohibiting the Slaughter of Carabaos
Ø Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act for all animals across the country

Prepared by : Jackie Baut,